Select a context or project in the tree with AppleScript?

I’ve made some good progress in my quest to script OmniFocus. However there is one thing that I cannot figure out: how do you select a context in the sidebar tree with AppleScript?

The reason I want to do that is to automatically select or deselect a context based on the time of the day.

To select a tree in the sidebar:

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell default document
		tell first document window
			set selected of first tree of sidebar to true
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Thank you for your help! If it can be of any help, I have written the following procedures to select an object in the tree by name (I had to do it this way, trying to access the name and id properties of the descendant trees doesn’t seem to work, at least in OmniFocus 2).

For example, if you have a context called “shoebox” you can call it with

SelectTreeObject("shoebox", "Select") to select the tree object.
SelectTreeObject("shoebox", "Deselect") to deselect the tree object.
SelectTreeObject("shoebox", "Toggle") to toggle the selected state.

I haven’t really tested the “Toggle” case so it may be buggy… Don’t forget to add “my” if you’re calling those from your own script (my SelectTreeObject…).

Here are the two procedures:

		theObjectName: the tree object name (context name or project name)
		bSelect: "Select" to select, "Deselect" to deselect, "Toggle" to toggle as string
		true if could be selected, false if not
on SelectTreeObject(theObjectName, theAction as string)
	set bFoundLeaf to false
	tell application "OmniFocus"
		set theDocWin to document window 1 of front document
		set theSidebar to sidebar of theDocWin
		set theRootLeaf to first leaf of theSidebar
		set theFollowingSiblingsList to following siblings of theRootLeaf
		repeat with theFollowingSibling in theFollowingSiblingsList
			set theCount to count of descendant trees of theFollowingSibling
			if name of theFollowingSibling is theObjectName then
				if theAction is "Select" then
					set selected of theFollowingSibling to true
				else if theAction is "Deselect" then
					set selected of theFollowingSibling to false
				else if theAction is "Toggle" then
					set bSelected to selected of theFollowingSibling
					set selected of theFollowingSibling to (not bSelected)
				end if
				set bFoundLeaf to true
				exit repeat
			else if theCount is greater than 0 then
				set bFoundLeaf to my SelectFollowingSiblings(theFollowingSibling, theObjectName, theAction)
				if bFoundLeaf is true then
					exit repeat
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return bFoundLeaf
end SelectTreeObject

on SelectFollowingSiblings(theLeaf, theNameToSelect as string, theAction as string)
	set bFoundLeaf to false
	using terms from application "OmniFocus"
		set theDescendantTreesList to descendant trees of theLeaf
		repeat with theDescendantTree in theDescendantTreesList
			set theName to name of theDescendantTree
			if theName is equal to theNameToSelect then
				if theAction is "Select" then
					set selected of theDescendantTree to true
				else if theAction is "Deselect" then
					set selected of theDescendantTree to false
				else if theAction is "Toggle" then
					set bSelected to selected of theDescendantTree
					set selected of theDescendantTree to (not bSelected)
				end if
				set bFoundLeaf to true
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end using terms from
	return bFoundLeaf
end SelectFollowingSiblings