Separating projects from tasks in context view

I might be missing something, but in context view, if I include projects and groups, I see no visual difference between a project, a group or a task in the list. It would be very nice if prosjects where highlighted in a different colour or a different font from normal tasks.

Another thing I would like for the context view is a simple way to create a project from a task. But I think I saw a discussion about this in another thread.


[quote=“bruvik, post:1, topic:367, full:true”]
It would be very nice if prosjects where highlighted in a different colour or a different font from normal tasks. [/quote]

I ended up not showing folders and projects in that view for that very reason reason.

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The Projects do not appear with their Type icon; it’s presence would help the differentiation. This was true in v1, too, but there was more visual distinction with a full width horizontal bar behind the project names.

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