Set Context for New Task or Project using AppleScript

I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to set the context (OF2) and eventually multiple tags (OF3), of projects and tasks using AppleScript.

Code snippet below.

set theProject to make new project with properties {name:projectName, sequential:false, flagged:true, due date:DueDate, note:URL}
tell theProject
make new task with properties {name:“vvv”, due date:dueDate2}
make new task with properties {name:“www”, due date:dueDate2}
make new task with properties {name:“xxx”, due date:dueDate2}
make new task with properties {name:“yyy”, due date:dueDate1, note:URL}
end tell

I am very new to AppleScript and adapted this from someone else. Some of my contexts are nested vs. being a completely flat list. E.g., “Priority:High” vs. “High”

Any help would be greatly appreciated.