Set the status of a Context programmatically

I’d like to use ControlPlane to set some contexts to ‘Active’ or ‘On Hold’ programmatically. I have plenty of programming experience, but hardly any Applescript scripting experience. Hard to tell from the Dictionary if anything like this would be possible at all.

So the first question is: can it be done? Can you toggle the status of a Context programmatically?

And if not: is that a feature that can be added, pretty please?

Here is an AppleScript that I use to toggle between work and play contexts. Feel free to modify it as your needs demand.

	This script toggles between work and play contexts

property pWorkContexts : {"Work", "Colleagues"}
property pPlayContexts : {"house", "farm", "errands", "Personal", "bills"}

on run
	-- set location
	set theLocation to ¬
		(choose from list {"Work", "Play", "Both"} with title "Where are you?")
	if theLocation is equal to {"Work"} then
		set patWork to true
		set patPlay to false
	end if
	if theLocation is equal to {"Play"} then
		set patWork to false
		set patPlay to true
	end if
	if theLocation is equal to {"Both"} then
		set patWork to true
		set patPlay to true
	end if
	-- toggle OF contexts and synchronize
	tell application "OmniFocus"
		tell front document
			repeat with pContext in pWorkContexts
				set idtoToggleList to every item of (complete pContext as context)
				repeat with pLC in idtoToggleList
					set idtoToggle to id of pLC
					--set idContext to first item of (every flattened context where id contains idtoToggle)
					tell context id idtoToggle to set its allows next action to patWork
				end repeat
			end repeat
			repeat with pContext in pPlayContexts
				set idtoToggleList to every item of (complete pContext as context)
				repeat with pLC in idtoToggleList
					set idtoToggle to id of pLC
					--set idContext to first item of (every flattened context where id contains idtoToggle)
					tell context id idtoToggle to set its allows next action to patPlay
				end repeat
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end run