Setting due date based on the completed date of the previous task

Is there a way to set the defer and due dates of a task to be based on the completed date of the previous one in a parallel project?

For example:

Parallel Project X

  • Do stuff
  • Do more stuff with defer date 3 days after completion of “Do stuff” and due date 6 days after completion of “Do stuff”

I have so many projects that could use this to both hide tasks I shouldn’t do right now (and therefore don’t need to see) and aren’t due until x days after I finish the previous one.

None that I know of. I’m hypothetically speaking and hoping that OmniJS automation might do this.

I’m crossing my fingers with the hope that an OmniJS script would be triggered if I complete a task. This hypothetical script would allow me to create the new task and let me fill in the the due date based on the completed date of the previous task.

It looks it is possible to do this in AppleScript. But you’d have to select the task and then run the AppleScript by invoking with Keyboard Maestro or something similar.

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