Share to DevonThink 3 - Where does the file go?

I am trying to find a quick way to save new OminOutliner files to DevonThink.

There is a “Share” function in the file menu, but it doesn’t appear to be doing anything. Does anyone know where the file goes?


Which Share function are you referring to ?

You can drag or save in DEVONThink 3 global Inbox which appears in the Finder, for example ?

Are you aware of that ?

This is the share function I am looking at.

I need to look at Finder. I currently use PathFinder for file browsing, and I don’t see the DevonThink inbox anywhere in PathFinder.

Thanks for your input!

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Into a database, which may, I think, be at:

~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Inbox.dtBase2

hmm… that’s where i initially checked. It looks like DevonThink opens that by default. but, it’s not in there.

PathFinder is equipped to view files in folders, but not records in a DEVONthink database.

(Only the DEVONthink app provides GUI for viewing its Inbox)

In PathFinder, you can drag the DevonThink Inbox folder to your favorites; the folder should be at:

~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Inbox

See here:

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