Shifting all tasks of a sequential project by the same time period

I would be very happy if someone could solve the following challenge:

I am looking for a tool that can map tasks in relation to each other.
I have certain tasks and subtasks to do. In the beginning these are fixed in time. Example:
Monday, 1 April 2024, 08:00 am: Task 1
Monday 1 April 2024, 13:00: Task 2
Tuesday 2 April 2024, 9:00 a.m.: Task 3
Tuesday 2 April 2024: 13:00: Task 1

The intervals between the tasks are important and must be observed. In addition, the project is sequential, so the order of the individual tasks must be adhered to. I have about 500 of these tasks spread over half a year. If I now spontaneously go on holiday, for example, and am therefore unable to complete tasks, I would like to mark all tasks that have not yet been completed and move the due date for each task by the same period (e.g. 1 week) so that the intervals between these tasks are the same again, only the start time for all tasks has been moved by 1 week. I hope I have made myself clear.

If I select the remaining tasks and change the due date, the same date applies to all 500 tasks, the time sequences and the order are no longer given.
A construction time planner (like MS Project, Smartsheet) is not helpful, as it can easily move individual project steps using drag & drop without destroying the time dependencies. However, it is not suitable for tasks, but for entire project periods.

Is there possibly a solution via automation?

Thanks for any helpful suggestions

The Task Date Controls plug-in by Omni Support Human, Christian, may fit the bill.

I use it regularly and have keyboard shortcuts assigned to the commands I use most frequently.


That´s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much, Tim! That helps a lot…
All the best,


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You’re very welcome, @tobyhart. It’s great to hear that fits the bill!

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