Shortcuts help: Get Actions from Perspective behavior

The “Get Actions from Perspective” Shortcut action (all platforms) in OF4 returns the parent project as an action.

The perspective is a set of flagged tasks in a specific folder. When I run this, it returns the Project in that folder as a task with the URL. I am trying to add this text to a markdown daily note; adding the parent project is unwanted behavior.

Do you have any ideas, or is this a feature request?

Hmm, I wonder if we should rename that to Get Items from Perspective?

Would it work to adjust your perspective’s rules to filter out projects?

Wow, I am very grateful to get such a quick response from the boss, thank you!

Changing the Perspective’s Group Actions to “ungrouped” removed the project items, although I did like having the project grouping, so I will need to see if the shortcut is worth it.

Renaming it to get items would be clearer.

I attempted to add a find actions below it to add a filter thinking if there was an Item Type filter with an “is not” choice that would do the trick. So perhaps this may be a thought for a future version.

Thank you for a great app. I’ve been here since OF2.