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How would I show or hide the sidebar when opening a new window in a script? Thanks.

Couldn’t figure it out myself, so I cheated with System Events:

tell application "OmniFocus" to activate
tell application "System Events"
	keystroke "s" using command down & option down
end tell

Nice work around. Thanks.

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Your question encouraged me to begin working out something I’ve wanted to do: open my daily planning routine in OmniFocus. I welcome improvement to the script, but it does the following:

  1. Opens my Dashboard perspective (inspired by Kourosh Dini here).
  2. Opens my Planning perspective (inspired by Sven Fechner here).
  3. Closes the Sidebar and Inspector panels in the Planning perspective.

I then use keyboard shortcuts (via BetterTouchTool) to shunt the Planning perspective window to the right of my screen and flag items to accomplish today. After closing that window I have Dashboard visible and I’ll work from it for the day’s tasks.

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell default document
		make new document window with properties {perspective name:"Dashboard"}
		tell application "OmniFocus" to activate
		make new document window with properties {perspective name:"Planning"}
		delay 3
		tell application "System Events"
			keystroke "s" using command down & option down
			keystroke "i" using command down & option down
		end tell
		activate "OmniFocus"
	end tell
end tell
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To make the window even more clean, I want to hide/show toolbar at the same time. I added following script to achieve the goal. For any one interested:

	click menu item "Hide Toolbar" of menu "View" of menu bar item "View" of menu bar 1
on error
	click menu item "Show Toolbar" of menu "View" of menu bar item "View" of menu bar 1
end try

There’s a related discussion here Go to Outline and Hide Sidebar