Stalled in Perspectives -- It won't let me add new items in line and then clear with CMD+K


  • I am attempting to add new actions to stalled projects in a perspective.
  • When I add a new action, the action + the project that was stalled goes away (as if I had added an action)

Here are the specs for the perspective

Actions Taken to Reperform

  1. Have a perspective created like I did
  2. Have a project with no next actions.
  3. Add an action.
  4. Action AND Project evaporate out of the perspective.

Congratulations on the release of 2.0!

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This is a known issue they said they are aware of and will fix in an upcoming release.

For a workaround, while in the Stalled view use the quick entry feature to add tasks. The project will disappear only after you close the box.

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Well. Iā€™d hope it would have been picked up within the last 773 days. [Wink]

Inserted a recurring task to continue to nudge this. [Kidding]