Styling objects in different layers


I have a diagram with a bunch of boxes on it. Each box represents a part of a computer system that will evolve over time. I’m using colors to represents the different stages of evolution for each box. Each box can evolve independent of the other boxes. So I have a base diagram that shows all boxes, at the beginning of time, with no colors (gray). From that base diagram I want to build a sequence of diagrams where the colors of various boxes change sequentially over time. The trick is that we have to make frequent updates to the base diagram, where we add/subtract/move boxes as we learn more about the system.

To represent the base diagram, I’m using a shared layer, and I’m using a separate canvas for each scene in the sequence. For each box that changes in a given scene/canvas, I copy the box from the base (shared) layer, into the sequence layer so that it precisely overlays the box in the base layer, and I then change the color on that copy of the box.

The problem with this approach is that if I move or delete boxes on the base (shared) layer, I then still have to go to each canvas and delete any overlays for that box. It seems to me that the ideal solution to this problem would be if I could somehow use a layer to not introduce any new objects, but only to style objects on the layer below. Is something like this possible?



Quick answer: I think so.

First a question: Why use a Shared layer for the base objects? Are you using multiple canvases? Shared layers are common layers for different canvases (drawing spaces) where the same thing needs to be in multiple drawings.

Another question: are there other objects in the base layer that have to remain a constant color or can all objects change?

The order of the layers is important. So the Base layer will need to be at the bottom (when viewed in the Sidebare Layers), Each change will be a layer above it.

One the base layer, draw your box in grey. On the layer above, place a shape slightly larger than you computer. Set the Stroke to “No Stroke”. Chane the Fill color to the desired color and under the grid of colors, set the Blending Mode to “Screen.”

Each layer can have a different color so as higher layers are made invisible, the underlying colors will appear.

Hi ScoutsHonor,

I’m using a shared layer because I’m not sure how else to achieve the effect I’m looking for. But you are right, I could use a separate canvas for each scene (in which case I need shared layers), or I could use just one canvas for all scenes and use a layer per scene (in which case I don’t need shared layers).

This will work. But when I have to move the underlying box in the base layer, the colored blend will not travel with it, correct? So I will have to go through each layer and also move the corresponding color blends?

thanks for your help.


Shared layers are for separate canvas, not layers.

This will work. But when I have to move the underlying box in the base layer, the colored blend will not travel with it, correct? So I will have to go through each layer and also move the corresponding color blends?

You can select objects from multiple layers and move them together. You are not limited to selecting objects on just one layer (has gotten me in trouble a few times so… ;-)

If you don’t have any other objects to worry about, use a filled object as large as your canvas on each layer and lock them in place (so you don’t accidentally move them). Now you don’t have to worry about moving the ‘tint’ objects, just the base level. I can do a quick fill if that will help.