Templates for using OmniOutliner as a contact management system with Hook

Hi all, I’m a co-founder of CogSci Apps which develops the Hook productivity app for Mac that you may recall from my appearance last fall on The Omni Show.

I’m an avid user of OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle and OmniFocus. (I started using Omni apps c. 2003). From Hook 1.0, Hook has shipped with OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle templates for use in Hook to New (which creates new documents or objects, names and links them to the source).

Hook 3.0, released Monday took our Hook to New feature to a new level, supporting Hook to New > folders.

In addition to our basic OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle templates, we’ve included in Hook 3.0 a folder for using OmniOutliner as a contact manager/meeting planner. Do Hook to New... and you will see an entry: Finder: Contact info & Meetings (OmniOutliner). It contains:

  • Agenda for meeting with.ooutline
  • Contact info re.ooutline
  • Minutes of meetings with.ooutline
  • Notes of meeting in progress with.ooutline

You can read about this CRM usage of OmniOutliner over on the Hook productivity blog:
Using Hook & OmniOutliner as a Contact Management System: Link a Contact to Meeting Minutes & More – Hook

Later I’ll write a post about our new templates for using OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle and OmniFocus as a creative project management system, and then a post about using OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle for taking systematic notes about content one is ‘delving’ (we have template for that too).

Here on this forum, I’d love to hear from OmniOutliner users: do any of you use it as a contact management system? Do you bidirectionally link your OmniOutliner documents to what they are about? How do you navigate back and forth between your OmniOutliner docs and what they are about?