The delights of AI hallucinations

Just now, I was trying to write a workflow in Alfred to process my Inbox. I use copilot when coding, and it
has progressively been getting sillier and less useful.

I started writing the following:

class ProcessInbox(ActionClass):
    action_class_id = "ProcessInbox"

And it “completed” it for me:

    def execute(self, wf):
        applescript = """
        tell application "OmniFocus" to tell the default document
            set theInbox to inbox
            repeat with t in tasks of theInbox
                set t's completed to true
            end repeat
        end tell

Now that is one creative way to manage life that even David Allen will have a hard time beating… just mark everything done and be happy!

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It is possibly meant that you have to work through the tasks first. And once you have done it all Alfred ticks it off for you. This saves you a lot of manual work😉 Just kidding.