Time Blocking / Hyper-Scheduling?

I stumbled on this app today and am wondering what everyone’s workflows for time blocking or as the Sorted app would say “hyper-scheduling” is while still using OmniFocus.

I know you can add time durations, and drag and drop into Fantastical, which is pretty neat, but I’d love to hear what everyone else is doing to utilize the power of OmniFocus with the (potential – if it’s right for you) power of time blocking.

Looking forward to hearing your workflows!


Timely post, I started time blocking (again) last week and this time I think it might stick.

Basically every morning I look at what needs doing and drag my ‘meta tasks’ (these are the ones that are code projects, or notes to review or clear custom perspectives) into Fantastical. Doing this seems to have instilled a sense of urgency and structure, for example it’s 11am so I need to do x as my calendar is reminding me and not fiddle with twitter for 15 minutes.

So far so good, some days when I have a large code job to do I may just not bother to schedule but for regular days it seems a good fit, and keeps me on track.


Yeah I like that. It’s simple and straightforward. I also find dragging general areas of work that then link back to a project, tag, or perspective to work from is helpful for me and how my brain works. Maybe I’m overthinking this and just need to continue working at it.

I’ll admit that I am a hopeless nerd and can get distracted by the new shiny apps and UXs 🤣 I need to gently remind myself that I shouldn’t try and fix what ain’t broke.

I use Outlook for work and my daily calendar (not the New Version which doesn’t support AppleScript yet). I created an AppleScript that takes the highlighted item in OmniFocus, and creates a 1 hour meeting within Outlook that I can add to my calendar. https://github.com/netpappy/Outlook-AppleScript/tree/main/OmniFocusTimeBlock

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Very cool, thanks for sharing!

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I have two-hour “work blocks” on my calendar every morning 09:00 - 11:00 for priority work. Meetings go into afternoons. In the work blocks, I work on projects associated with goals.


That’s a cool way of doing it too, I like the fact that it’s in your calendar already and the time is blocked out, but your OmniFocus can look different every day depending on your tasks there, and what needs to get done. I think the broadness with that approach could actually be pretty helpful for me. Thanks for sharing!

I also just weeks ago switched to timeblocking. It has had great benefits in terms of organization and I wish OF would offer a similar time blocking / calendar sync again.


Is there any Mac app other than Fantastical that allows dragging OF tasks into the calendar and adjusts the duration of the calendar event to match the time estimate of the task?

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I haven’t checked in a while, but I used to do this with fantastical. It would even include a link back to the project or task in the url field of the fantastical event.


By coincidence, I tried this 2 days ago (8 days after your comment). And, due to a comment on Twitter, set up a second iOS calendar just for this purpose.

That got me to subscribe to Fantastical - so I could have it on Mac and iOS.

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