Today Perspective - Due Soon, Repeating Tasks

My Today Perspective is set up as follows:

Due Soon (set as today in settings in OF3) OR Flagged

I have my daily tasks that are repeating.

I want to check them off, then they fall of the Today perspective. As they should, because their due date is now tomorrow, not today. Due dates are 7pm.

What am I doing wrong to have this functionality?

I don’t 100% understand what you want, but What happens when you set availability to “available” instead of remaining?

My Today perspective is showing all things that are due soon (set as today in general settings) or flagged.

If I have a task that repeats every day that is due today, when it is checked off it does NOT fall off this list.

I would want this to show due today and today only, but tasks are showing due tomorrow or any day in the future as well after I check them off as done for today.

Have you tried setting availability to “available”?

So switch the “Remaining” (with the arrow) to “available” to test

Is there also a defer date set on the task to ensure it is not marked as available until the appropriate day? Otherwise, yes, it would always be available and due soon.

That, in conjunction with the change @Janov suggests ought to do it!


swapping to available/remaining did not work.

is there a way to simply check off the task and have it defer? i don’t want to do 4 steps for each one of these recurring tasks.

Not sure if this solution will help or not, but I’ll share with you how I handle something similar.

I have tags for repeating tasks, which I call routines, and tags for repeating reminders, which I call reminders, lol.

Routines are automatically fed into my action lists, where as the reminders are not. I don’t use due dates very frequently because I don’t like how it clutters things. My reminders are set similar but they won’t actually feed into my action lists unless I add another tag to them. So for instance every Tuesday I have a set of actions to do at work. They’re deferred for 1 week and set to repeat on tuesdays, no due date. They are tagged routines.

In my today perspective it allows any available items tagged with routine that are available and it will sort them nicely at the top of my perspective. Perspective is set to group by tag. This way these items will always be in my working perspective, will show as deferred on my forecast view, and are easily identifiable

I have a similar perspective and just tried this with a daily repeating task. It disappeared from the perspective when completed.

Is the repeat on the task set for Assigned Dates or Completion? If it’s assigned dates and you get a few days behind then it will keep reappearing as a new overdue task until you catch up and complete today’s one. So is the problem task showing on your Today perspective really due at 7pm tomorrow, or is it due 7pm yesterday or some other day?

@Jonty It’s set for completion. Due soon = today. current due date is 10/18/19 8pm. still showing up on this perspective.

my thought is: why is something that’s due tomorrow show up on this list, repeating or not?

i fixed it. it is stupid, but this works.

i had all of those things as part of a bigger project daily tasks. i turned the daily tasks into a folder. then each one of the items were turned into a project, by default, i think?

i changed the perspective to not group by project but to list the project in one of the columns.

it was relying on the project being completed to drop it from view. again, dumb.

Glad you got it sorted :-)

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