Tracking goals and habits?

For getting my things done, I’m very satisfied with Omnifocus, but it would be inspiring to combine it with an app for tracking goals and habits. I would like to easily enter the time spent or things done in important projects, and at a glance graphically see my progress compared to plan in the short and long run for those projects. The app and web service Strides very much looks like what I’m searching for, but I would be happy to hear other suggestions.

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Goalscape gives a big-picture-to-details overview that I found useful at one point. It is not a time-tracking application though, which seems to be what you prefer.

I just stumbled also across Beeminder as a comparison to Strides.


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I would love this capability within OF too. Heck I’m willing to pay for it (Goal Tracking & Analytics module). It should be able to do the following:

  • Let me define my goals with fields for different goal attributes e.g. measure, target, due date, start date, review period etc.
  • Link projects and single action lists or next actions as belonging to a goal
  • Have visual indicator of progress on the goals

I’d also like to see some detailed analytics (in various info graphical formats):

  • number of tasks completed per day, week, month (should give an indication of how your productivity over time)
  • percentage of tasks created vs done
  • charts showing tasks per project/context/folder
  • graphic visualisation of task resolution time (diff between when a task was created and when it was done)
  • graphs of tasks vs time since created (helps you spot next actions you’ve been procrastinating on

Maybe I should comment, regarding my original post, that I no longer search for an app for tracking goals and habits - Strides is fully satisfying for me. The basic version of Strides now even is completely free.

To me, it’s actually an advantage to have a separate app for tracking my goals, rather than having built-in features for it in Omnifocus. My simple wish is to be able to easily enter steps taken on my way to a goal, usually in time rather than in number of tasks, and have a clear, visual presentation of those steps in relation to my goals. Strides offers me features for this, and it couldn’t be easier or more clearly presented, especially not if it had to be a part of another app with another main purpose.

Extrapolating the past trends in development of OF, I suspect that it will never have the capabilities that you list at the level of detail that you document.

You may find some Applescript support to give some of the information in rough format.


Finally, have you considered exporting the OF data and using a different app (e.g. a spreadsheet)?


Strides or Productive r what your looking for. I have both and use them for different purposes. Productive think habits and tracking/building streaks. Strides think objective goals. More numbers and various types of trackers for specific things you want to achieve.

Don’t waste time with any others I’ve tried them all but seen most results with this combo.

OF also really isn’t built for habits / rituals

Thanks for the suggestion - Productive is a nice app! Even though I think Strides is great for all purposes I might also end up using both.