Update Inbox action to specific project and context

I am having a hard time finding an example of simply updating and inbox action. All I want to do is select an Action or Actions in the inbox and update the Action(s) Project and Context to a pre configured Project and Context that I have specified. Sounds simple enough. Any ideas on this?

Had a similar question, and figured out how to update task properties… but not sure how to set the context. The script below works for setting the context, but for some reason it doesn’t like to set the project.

on run
    set thePerspective to "Inbox"
    set theContextName to "My Context"
    set theProjectName to "My Project"
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell front document
            set theProject to first flattened project where name = theProjectName
            log theProject  # For debugging
            set theContext to first flattened context where its name = theContextName
            tell (first document window whose index is 1)
                set perspective name to "Inbox"
                set theSelectedTasks to trees of content
                set numTasks to (count items of theSelectedTasks)
                set selectNum to numTasks
                repeat while selectNum > 0
                    set selectedTask to value of item selectNum of theSelectedTasks
                    set taskName to get name of selectedTask
                    set the context of the selectedTask to theContext
                    set the containing project of the selectedTask to theProject
                    set selectNum to selectNum - 1
                end repeat
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
end run

Some other links to check out -

Thanks! Let me try this out and see if I can get something to work around context. I think I might know hot to make it work.

I figured it out, please see below:

set thePerspective to "Inbox"
set theContextName to "Do"
set theProjectName to "My Actions"

tell application "OmniFocus"
    tell front document
        set theProject to first flattened project where name = theProjectName
        log theProject  -- For debugging
        set theContext to first flattened context where its name = theContextName
        log theContext -- For debugging
    end tell

    tell first document window of front document
        --set perspective name to "Inbox"
        set validSelectedItemsList to selected trees of content
        set totalItems to count of validSelectedItemsList
        if totalItems is 0 then
            set alertText to "No valid task(s) selected"
            my Notify(alertText)
        end if
        repeat while totalItems > 0
            set selectedTask to value of item totalItems of validSelectedItemsList
            set taskName to get name of selectedTask
            log "TASK-NAME: " & taskName -- For debugging
            set the context of the selectedTask to theContext
            set the assigned container of the selectedTask to theProject
            set totalItems to totalItems - 1
        end repeat
    end tell

end tell