URL scheme syntax for Project, Context, Flag state, etc

I’m interested in exploring the ability to call a new OmniFocus task via URL scheme from another app (in this case, Drafts 4). Currently, I’m able to use the URL;


to get a new OmniFocus task with the title and note respectively from my Drafts 4 draft.

What I would like to do in addition to this is have the OmniFocus Project, Context, and Flag state automatically populated with preselected values.

Is there a syntax in the URL scheme to allow for this?


I don’t think this is currently possible, but boy would I also love this.

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[This article][1] has some good stuff on using Drafts 4 and OF. Love it. My favorite is the action (linked elsewhere) in the Drafts 4 Action Directory that lets you take meeting notes and with one tap export them to Evernote, and have all the things you’ve marked with a checkbox (from a keyboard shortcut) go into OF as tasks. (!)

But to the OP’s point–I’d also love to see support for this added, if it doesn’t already exist.
[1]: https://agiletortoise.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203089838-Using-Drafts-with-OmniFocus