View changes when moving forms


I recently started working with OG7 and noticed a very strange behaviour: Whenever I move a form using either the cursor keys or the mouse, the viewport snaps to get as much of the form onto the screen as possible.

Is this a correct behaviour? If so, where can I switch it off?

If you have “Fit in Window” turned on, OmniGraffle will attempt to keep all of your content in the viewport by zooming as needed. If you toggle that off, the view will scroll to show the graphic you are moving, but will no longer zoom to show other content. The button is located at the bottom of the document window.

If “Fit in Window” is off, the view should scroll to include the current selection that you are moving, but the zooming should not change. Items that aren’t selected will be expected to leave the viewport.

If the button is dark (like the picture below), Fit in Window is active. You can click it again to toggle it off.


Just to make it clear: I can’t choose a view (zoom and position) and then move a form around on that view without some kind of magic scrolling?

There is a preference for moving objects, but it will not work with nudge (arrow keys). If you want to try the moving preference, omnigraffle:///change-preference?ScrollGraphicToVisibleAfterMove=0 to turn it on and omnigraffle:///change-preference?ScrollGraphicToVisibleAfterMove=1 to turn it off. That will allow you to move graphics out of the viewport without scrolling to some extent, but it is a margin which gives you more of a buffer before scrolling. If you move the graphic far enough out of the viewport, the standard Mac scrolling will still happen even with the preference set to 0.

It sounds like we could use a preference for nudging as well as moving. Anyone who would like to see us add the ability to turn off scrolling while nudging (instead of just moving) objects should email us at and we will track all requests to share with the team. Sorry for the inconvenience & I hope that the preference will help for some of the cases.


Ok, that helped a lot!

And I will write that eMail… 8)

Maybe I am just a corner case, but I frequently need to align larger objects at corners or at two more or les arbitrary points within them, and it is just nice to zoom in and then nudge them around until that part is visual pleasing…

blue skies