Where did the included furniture stencils go?

A few years ago I used Omnigraffle to do some home layout. I have some old documents that include couches, beds, etc.

Now I can’t find the library of furniture stencils in the new version. It appears that these same stencils are available behind a paywall at at Graffletopia: https://www.graffletopia.com/stencils/507 yet they are from “omnigroup” according to that site.

I thought these stencils were free. Why aren’t they freely available anymore?


Sorry, we don’t own or run this website, and the individual that does decided to start charging for access. We spent several months trying to reach an agreement that would have preserved no-cost access to the site (or at least in-app search) but were unable to do so.

As an alternative, in 2014 we launched our own free stencil repository called Stenciltown. Stenciltown is a forever-free, Creative Commons 0 sharing platform for stencils that we and other OmniGraffle customers have shared. You can search for stencils from within OmniGraffle 6 or 7 to retrieve results from Stenciltown, or download stencils through the website.

An updated version of the furniture stencil can be found on Stenciltown here.

Did you previously have these stencils installed on this computer? Starting with OmniGraffle 7.0, our app will now automatically import Stencils and Templates from previous versions of OmniGraffle. On first launch, any prior resources from OmniGraffle 5 and OmniGraffle 6 will be copied into the latest version. Custom stencils and templates are copied with the existing folder structure intact, whereas stock content that came bundled with prior versions is imported into a folder named after the app it came from, for example “OmniGraffle 6.” I hope this helps!

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