White Rectangle in middle of screen in OF2 Big Sur

Do you expect them to patch OF1 as well? What if the issue is with Big Sur and not OF, but exhibits the rectangle when OF is the foreground application?

I guess you are using OF3.
Applications adapt to the operating system. It is not the other way around.

So, if within a few months OF3 fails, the solution is to buy OF4 even if you don’t need it? Great!

I’m using OF2 on iOS. Because OF3 on iOS broke calendar display.

Your statement is the equivalent of “no OS release ever contains bugs,” which is ridiculous. Unless one has an Apple silicon Mac mini, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro, there’s really no reason to jump to the newest OS so quickly.

Should OmniFocus fix OF version N to run on my Mac SE/30 with system software 7?

Applications adapt to the operating system. It is not the other way around.

OP here. This was a mere request, and post intended to see if the issue was consistent. I reached out to OmniGroup and they said that the issue is derived from their use of a system framework that Apple has changed. They didn’t elaborate on which one or why it was used. To address your other statement, I did wait a little while before updating, and have some sense of what is being deprecated between any given OS version. Since this is the only issue I’ve faced in the upgrade, among all software I’ve tested for what is now at least a month and a half, it’s safe to say that waiting longer would not solve this issue. Waiting longer would just not present this issue in OF2, but would not make the issue go away, and if I was held back on the previous OS version just because of this, I’d be equally if not more so annoyed, rather than super excited to upgrade to OF3 which I don’t prefer. Likewise, it’s fairly likely that OF3 in terms of codebase, is a series of iterations on the OF2 codebase, in which this bug is already fixed, so it would simply be an act of kindness to cherry-pick that change (if it’s relatively trivial) from upstream to downstream.

Who knows how much work would be required to update the older codebase (and determining that is itself work). Then you’d need to test the entire application functionality on the new macOS!

It’s unfortunate that Apple made a change which broke backwards compatibility with older software (in this case an almost 3-year-old release!), but this sometimes happens. As a user of the current product I’d much prefer Omni devote their full engineering budget to new releases.

You have the option of continuing to use OF2 on Catalina which should get security updates for 2 more years.

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