Why changing the project Type is available only in the Inspector window?

I simply don’t understand why it is available only in 1 place.

Is there any way besides AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro to do it with a keyboard?

Control-Click on the Project to see the contextual menu …


Thanks, I forgot to mention also this one for “besides.”

I’m just tired of so many applescripts and Maestro combos, I thought there is an easier way.
Such a simple thing.

I think you already wrote about it many times, but this should be a button (the balls with sticks):

Yes. In the meantime, I am inclined to use context clicking (especially with my pre-programmed trackball mouse key).

Admittedly, when the option to change would be in the menu, it could be set as a keystroke. A clever but more involved option would be an AppleScript that can be fired with a keyboard control and that provides a selection list to toggle the status.

Interesting to note the different convolutions that one has to develop to make OF just a bit more efficient for one’s own use. OTOH, given the number of options that can be changed on a project, perhaps a line has to be drawn somewhere on what will or will not be possible to set with keystrokes.


I realize this is ancient but just realized there’s no way to change project type from the keyboard. Having this in the contextual menu is not much better than having to find the button to click. Can project Type be added to the Edit menu? (Project Status is there)