I’ve been noticing a concerning problem with the Reschedule feature in OmniPlan: after running Reschedule, I can see some of my tasks get relocated into the past, i.e. before today. Shouldn’t Reschedule move all incomplete tasks into the future? Why is anything moving backward?
It’s happened a few times, but I was able to capture a screen recording of it. What in the world would cause this to happen? I planned to frequently reschedule my projects, but I feel hesitant to do it after seeing this happen a couple times.
Are there are any situations where this is expected to happen, and how can I avoid it?
In the video below, the light blue column represents “today” as of the day I recorded this. After the reschedule, you can see many of the tasks slide to the left, i.e. before today. In this project, there were no violations before or after rescheduling.