Why omnioutliner is so expensive?

i am not complaining but i really want to know the answer.i am a student and at the same time, an elementary programmer.i’ve been confused by the price of most note softwares.why they look so simple by cost a lot?i know that omnigraffle is powerful and therefore, i am sure that omnioutliner is powerful too.i hope you can tell me why it is so expensive from the perspective of programming.for example, you can tell me that is hard to promise the correctness of data organization,which may cost a lot of time and money.with your explanation, i can recommend it to more of my friends and i believe they’ll be glad to buy it. thanks!

I don’t have anything to say about how we determine our pricing, but I do want to make sure you’re aware that if you purchase OmniOutliner through our Educational Store, you are eligible for a significant discount. :)