Cannot Open Omnigraffle file (32.3 KB) HsetX

whats causing this weird error where I cannot open the file? How do I recover my file?

It’s not an OmniGraffle file – the bundle just contains a PDF and a strings file.

And the PDF just contains what looks like a LateX generated-“X4”.

it’s the file I got from saving in omnigraffle so it should be omnigraffle file. is there anyway to recover the original file?

If you are using OmniGraffle – though the image you show does not appear to be of an OmniGraffle document – you will have access to Help > Contact Omni ... in the main menu.

If you are not using using OmniGraffle, then all best wishes for the coming year !

The document and image were generated using omnigraffle.

Then no problem – just :: Help > Contact Omni ...

Can do a search for back-up version. Do you have Time Machine enabled?

  1. You have saved it as a Template (.gtemplate file extension)
  2. The image is probably a PDF copied from somewhere (note draft8’s comments). But you have not obtained the copy properly.
  3. You could have a corrupt OG file, but that is the last possibility.
