Gridlines/elements unexpected change to print darker?

I use OmniGraffle (6.6.2) to print sheets for my daily pen/paper notebook, and usually print off a bunch at a time, usually a couple week’s worth.

For 4 months they’ve printed just like I expect, and how it’s reflected in the UI. When I printed two weeks ago, it printed just like I expected. Today, the gridlines are much darker, and the “rev” element is also printing darker. It’s as if the transparency went to 100%. I didn’t change any transparency settings, and when I look at the settings, they show unchanged. The printer is the same printer I always use.

Have you experienced this kind of behavior?

Hi, The main reason this occurs is because the brightness level on the computer monitor is too high. It’s common with newer monitors, many of which are designed for gaming and have their brightness levels set higher by default. blue light blocking glasses

pretty sure that’s not it. I’d made no change to neither the monitor nor print settings.

fwiw, it reverted a few weeks later. perhaps that was an update the the printer that someone in the office performed, twice, that made the change and then reverted the change.

The poster is a spammer, it is advertising. OmniGroup is asleep.

But thanks for the update.


In this case, the spam link is thinly concealed by some text copied and pasted from a “tips/outputting/why-your-prints-dont-look-right/” page on a site called www[dot]photoreview[dot]com[dot]au

Time to delete the SafetyGoggles spam account ?