How do I clip email items to the Inbox in v2?

Thanks, I will be trying this tomorrow!

This worked well for me too.

Good morning, after many tests, this works for me too, but unfortunately the link doesn’t work until I have rebooted my system as Mail seems to be trying to get the email from the inbox, where the message was when I linked to it. After a couple days, if I do the rain dance, reboot the laptop and restart mail 131313 times, it may find it from my archive folder, but it doesn’t seem to be consistent… anyone has an idea on why this is happening to me and how I can get a permanent fix?

Thanks in advance!

strange, i don’t have this problem. OF 2 gets the mail even though its already archived.

You also need to walk round it three times widdershins


I was having clipping issues with V2 until I upgraded to the PRO account and now the clipping works fine w/link back to email.

It was working clip to tron now I get the following error:

We’re aware of this error and working on it.

now i have the clipping to empty email problems. According to omnigroup this is a apple mail bug. But has anyone found a workaround for this bug?

Also i have the same question, If anyone know
How do I clip email items to the Inbox in v2? then please reply me.

Here’s a support article on using the Clip-o-Tron to clip email messages:

If that doesn’t work for you, please post specifics about what problems or errors you are encountering. Or email our Support Humans,

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