Running Measurements

Hi Everyone,

I’m currently trialling Omnigraffle. I’m designing a backyard shed using wood for the framework.

I’m satisfied that this programme can do this no problems. But what I really need is when I start a new drawing line is to be able to view a dynamic running measurement as I draw the line out. Otherwise I can’t see the length until I press enter and refer to ‘Geometry’ in the Inspector which is illogical. If I could see the length as I draw the line out I know exactly where to stop. Apple Pages does this on the canvas, but it has shortfalls in other areas. I thought Omnigraffle, at the very least would automatically display a dynamic measurement in the Inspector but it doesn’t.

Anyone know how do this this or even if it’s possible?

Thanks for your help in advance

It is possible.

And simple to execute with the mouse and the Inspectors. But the text instructions are, of course, lengthy.

The Line

  1. Draw a Line.
  • I expect it would be orthogonal.
  • Give it the properties you desire: colour; thickness; etc.
  1. A line needs a label.
  • Draw a TextBlock.
  • Type in the word “Length “.
  • Give it the properties you desire: border; font; etc.
  1. Grab the TextBlock and drag it onto the line.
  • It is now the Line label.
  1. A good label needs a LineLength.
  • Position the cursor where you want the LineLength
  • Double-click in the Line label, and place your cursor at the end, after the “Length “.
  1. EditMenu/InsertVariable/LineLength.

  2. Click elsewhere.


The Template

Now you don’t really want to do all that for every such line you need. So, first perfect the line, re the properties, etc. Second, Edit the stencil and place (copy-paste) that line in the Stencil. Subsequently, whenever you need such a line, you can grab it from the Stencil.

Cheers Guru for your reply. After using it for a little more I worked out how to get around it.

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I tried this out on OG Mac, and though I got the construction (line + variable) to work well on its own, it separated into a line and a separate text when I tried to paste it into a stencil and save. There are some other oddities between OG Mac and OG iOS with this, too.

Has anyone come up with a way to measure (non x- or y-axis) distances on OG canvases, or a way to get @GraffleGuru’s method to work with current versions (OG Mac 7, OG iOS 3)?

That is an interesting proposition. I will dabble around and see if I can find anything out.

I was able to get to work as a stencil item.

I did the steps he described, then grouped the two objects together. Now when I copy and paste or drag from the stencil templates, it works.

Let me know if you see anything different.

I am using OG 7.21.5 on Mac OS 12.6.6

Thanks for looking, @ScoutsHonor

I’m on Mac OS 13.5 with OG 7.21.5, and I tried grouping the line and label+variable as you suggest. My OG then crashes when saving the stencil! I made a note in the crash report and am sending in.