Script to copy/paste tags to select columns (redux!)

Could you show me

  1. (anonymised) samples of the input and output document format at each stage:
  • MarginNote
  • TaskPaper
  • OmniOutliner
  • TBx
  1. A quick summary of what we need to
  • fix (e.g. accepting a looser definition of equivalence between tags ?)
  • add

You could either post those directly in this thread, or if you prefer in a DM to me here.

Show is usually even more eloquent than tell, and if we can see concrete examples of:

formatA -> formatB

then the requirement of the arrow itself (the transformation or rewrite) should become quite workable and concrete :-)

Sounds good. I think it’ll be easier to DM this to you, for various reasons. I’ll get on this right away… Thanks!

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Hey, @draft8 I answered our last exchange via DM, but it occurred to me that I’m basically seeking the same process you helped create through the script you uploaded here on this thread – just with a few adjustments, but not much else.

I’ll detail it with screenshots and files on the other side…
