I’m trying to draw the Maslow’s pyramid in OmniGraffle 2 Pro on iOS. It’s a triangle pointing up with four equidistant horizontal lines. But I seem unable to easily draw the lines. A line that’s supposed to go from left to right tries to rotate weirdly. How can I do this?
I haven’t used OG 2, or iOS. But this is a simple thing to do in OG for Mac OSX. Even in OG 4, OG5, and OG 6. I will wait a year or three before touching OG 7
The issue you are experiencing is probably because you are unaware of magnets on the shape (triangle ?), and the auto-line-connecting is appearing weird to you.
[quote]How can I do this?
I don’t understand why you are drawing lines, at all.
You should be drawing one triangle for the top, and then four trapezoids, each with two pairs of equal angles for the four segments below. No lines required. After all, you do want each segment to be a different colour (fill). Draw one trapezoid and then resize.
I kind of arrived at the idea of magnets and added 4 to the side. Still the line was rotating weirdly trying to attach close. I also tried to add “points”, also in cain.
Will try the trapezoid route, but I’m kind of worried I can’t achieve such a simple task as crossing a shape with lines. How can the “4 magnets to the side” be leveraged from the inside?..
BTW I owned the Mac OG but iPad Pro with the Pencil is finally the vehicle for it!
You are complicating it by using a complex way to achieve a simple task. The simple task is fives shapes, five colours. You want one shape with connected lines through it … while auto-connect is ON and therefore OG is trying to connect the lines outside it, and in a way that suits the LineType (Straight; Orthogonal; Etc).
[quote]How can the “4 magnets to the side” be leveraged from the inside?..
Ok, so now for the complex task, of one shape, one colour, with connected lines through it (forget about Maslows five colours).
Make the shape (triangle or other)
set it to AllowConnectionsFromLines
add the Magnets at the precise positions (exectly the same on left & right sides)
it would help greatly if you have already set up your grid for your particular need, and SnapToGrid is set
draw one line
set it to connect to shapes
set it to Straight
set the other properties (Stroke, etc)
suggest you want no head and no tail
Now try connecting that line to a pair (same horizontal) of Magnets.
if you have problems, work them out
the line should connect straight across
anything not perfectly horizontal means your Magnets are less than perfectly aligned
Once that first line is correct, duplicate it, and connect it. Etc.
If you want a line that does not auto-connect, set AllowConnectionsToOtherObjects OFF.
If you want a shape that lines do not connect to (such that lines do not “jump around” when they get close, and you can drag the EndPoint of a line over the shape without connecting to it), set AllowConnectionsFromLines OFF.
@braver: turn on the grid and snap to grid. It’ll help a lot drawing straight horizontal lines. Also disable “allow connections” for the triangle. Once you do this you’ll be able to draw that pyramide in no time.
(I know this is very late, but hey, knowledge sharing.)
There’s a lot easier and more effective way to meet your needs. It’s basically what “GraffleGuru” was suggesting. You can use Ominigraffle’s “Intersect Shapes” function to do it very quickly.
You’ll draw your triangle and then make 4 more copies right on top of the existing one, for a total of 5.
Then you’ll draw five rectangles that touch each other, splitting the triangle up into your divisions. Like this:
You can see how to do the rest of the instructions in the video I made for you:
Now you select one rectangle and shift-click to select one triangle. Click the “Intersect Shapes” button in the “Shape” section of the inspector. This will create a new shape that is only the area where the rectangle and the triangle overlap.
Repeat for each of the five areas. Now you have five separate shapes than you can fill with colors or whatever.
The video should show it pretty clearly. Feel free to ask any questions.