What are your wishes for OmniGraffle 7?

BTW, perhaps the issue is that both in PDF and SVG, the shape is actually imported as a custom font, and even though Omnigraffle can render it, the “convert text to shapes” logic is not hooked up.

In particular in SVG linked above, the symbol in question is displayed as

   id="use3415" />

Earlier in the SVG, this symbol is defined using path primitive


        d="M 21.6875 -13.34375 C 21

Looking forward to OG 7. Here are some requests:

Rejoin the Style dropdown in the toolbar into the tool itself as in OG 5. Perhaps it’s just me but I just don’t understand why it’s separate — it’s more confusing, too. I moved it to the right of the tools and that helped me understand it as a child of the tool.

Add menu item “Hide inspectors" when only one floating / palette is visible. When I use a floating or palette inspector, I pop it open to edit something, then want to put it away doing a complicated keyboard shortcut (like a vulcan mind-meld). Currently, I have to show all of them, then hide (two commands) - I want to hide the ones I’m using now using a single consistent shortcut, not depending on which palette is visible. Or barring that, at least something more sensible like Shift + the command that brought up the palette.

Global default setting for Geometry > Scaling and way to toggle it for entire document.

I like that the floating palette toolbars seem fixed in the OG 7 beta as of today, though I lose all those toolbar settings when I use Inspectors > Floating or Palettes

It would be great if it was possible to align line labels using the standard controls.

The ability to create custom line ends e.g. connector types for diagrams.

Shortcut keys for guides and magnet display on/off.

Expanded control of colours on the toolbar (load custom palettes?) to save having the floating colour window.

Glue to guides (as Visio) so objects can be snapped to a guide then when the guide is dragged all the snapped items drag with it.

Zoom for presentation mode please.

If you’re demoing a website mockup in presentation mode and the content extends below the fold (giving you a portrait aspect ratio) everything becomes too small to read on a 16:9 tv.

Better overall text and bullet formatting, PLEASE! It’s too simplistic and always a lot of work to get things right. Styles don’t seem to preserve ruler setting, particularly tab stops. There’s a lot of room for improvement in text formatting and layout capabilities overall.

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copy paste text formatting (including bullets).
When you resize text box with an align right tab which is at right end of text box it moves the right tab inline with textbox (big ask)

I find that Visio connections horrible. Please don’t make them at all like the way Visio works.

  1. Highlighter for text
  2. Fill, Text, Stroke colours list selectable in drop down menu rather than the ones that are there at present

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I’m closing out this thread since
OmniGraffle 7 shipped today.

(We’re still interested in feedback for future updates, of course: you can start new threads with your wish lists, or send feedback directly to our support humans by email at omnigraffle@omnigroup.com.)

Thanks again!