Why doesn't Quick Open search task titles and notes as well?

I’ve been using Omnifocus 3 daily hourly since 2018, and I’ve just updated to Omnifocus 4.

I think the update is fine (more or less - but since I last paid Omni in 2018, they could have billed me again for OF3 and I would have taken out my credit card right away), and I think the team has done good work, but I can’t figure out why Quick Open doesn’t search task names/titles and notes. I see that this has been asked before:

This concept wasn’t new in 2014, either. The notion that there should be only a single field has been around at least since 2008, when Google made the “omnibar” a launch feature of their Chrome browser.

In lieu of being able to use a single search function to do searches in Omnifocus, I find myself struggling with replicating that functionality using other tools, such as Alfred, which means using other people’s workflows that are kind of close to what I want, but not quite right, or trying to build it myself, and failing.

Respectfully, Omnifocus 4 doesn’t feel complete to me without this.

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You can use command-option-F which invokes the command “Go to search field”. If I’m looking for projects or perspectives, I’ll use quick open. If I’m looking for a specific task, I’ll use command option F.

Quick open does not have the feature to choose between search “here”, “everything”, or “remaining”. The search field has that feature.

Inconvenient? Maybe. But I’ve learn to get over it and continue with my life.

I’ve learn to get over it and continue with my life.

I guess that I’m the problem after all, and it has nothing to do with Omnifocus missing an obvious feature. Why did I even bother posting in their Discourse, when I could have just gone to therapy and worked on my own shortcomings?

Don’t worry. You’re not the problem. Everyone thinks differently. I’d love a universal search bar. But if I can’t get that, I’ll learn to adapt to the given behavior or figure out how to get keyboard maestro or Alfred to work for me.

Discourse is used to find a solution for questions.

In the meantime, you can send an email to OmniFocus@omnigroup.com to add your vote for this feature.