Welcome to our forums!

Hello! This forums are open and readable by anyone, and all Omni customers are welcome to post their thoughts here. But due to the amount of spam we were seeing with open invitations, new accounts can only be created by contacting our Support Humans at support@omnigroup.com for an invitation. (Questions and suggestions directed to Omni should also be sent to those same Support Humans, so they get tracked and reach our entire team.)

These forums are for customers using our apps to talk with each other—for sharing tips and tricks, templates and scripts, and other various communication needs! Again, do feel free to browse and search these forums anonymously. Please keep in mind the audience for these forums—Omni customers—and we ask both that you keep the conversation relevant to our products, and that you abide by both the letter and spirit of our community guidelines.

If you would prefer a more interactive conversation with other customers, you’re also welcome to join the Omni Group’s Slack workspace. You can also interact with us directly on Mastodon.

As noted at the top, these forums are for talking with other customers, not with Omni’s support humans. If you’re looking for help from Omni, please email support@omnigroup.com or use the Contact Omni option built into our products. (You’ll find this option in the Help menu of our Mac products, and in the Settings screen of our iOS products.) You can also reach out to us by telephone; for more information, please visit the support page on our website or our general contact page.

We look forward to hearing from you!


FYI, I’ve edited the above message to clarify how best to reach support, and to mention the option of using our Slack workspace for more interactive conversations with other customers.


We’ve edited this welcome post again, explaining how to request an invitation to create an account.